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Friday, January 24, 2025

Solving Problems Today

 Today, I steeled myself, gritted my teeth, then relaxed and put on a voice more pleasant than I felt. I got a woman to whom I have talked before and told her how disruptive this was to my financial life. So, this is the long story of how it happened.

I was at Bank1. They became Bank 2. I was told the free checks were good and free to use as long as I had them. I still have about 100 checks. I use them not often. I have never used one over the phone until a few weeks ago. That is the problem--the routing numbers are changed since it is under a new bank. Now, why couldn't someone else help me figure this out? I was an agent of the solving the problem. However, I had a late charge at Amazon. The local business took off the late charge and something else. So, now I know. Why could all these employees before her figure it out? Also, why couldn't someone have given me new routing numbers to use over the phone. I don't need new numbers if I use a check at the store or at bank. I do not have and have not had one overdraft, thank you.

Tommy just finished a 30-minute call to ATT about why he was not charged for long-distance service. Somehow, his charge was not put on the bill. But, the amount of talking required was too much. At least, his service was not cancelled.

Now, I need to talk with Amazon.,,,if I can find someone who speaks English well enough to understand. People in this country need jobs. I ordered something on sale for $329 and used my accrued points to pay for it. They did not use my points and charged me $449. Needless to say, this does not sit well with me!`

Tonight, we had baked chicken, garlic potatoes with green beans, and Romaine. Tommy had a salad, chicken and garlic potatoes with green beans. 

Additionally, I baked a turkey breast wrapped in bacon and some sort of stuffing. I pulled off all the bacon. Whatever it was stuffed with will keep my mouth and stomach burning all night. I only took a taste! 

A sliced baked ham went into the freezer. I cannot wait to eat it. I need to cook beans and bake sweet potatoes for that. Or, maybe we will have that for Easter.

a funny commercial

Obnoxious Hyundai Tucson "sugar mamma" commercial

My feet are so cold!


  1. I'm glad you got your bank problem figured out.

    1. One,
      Thanks. It is too bad they could not get it right, all four or five employees.

  2. I am confused "long distance" is a relic from the past, at least for long-distance calling on a cell phone in the United States. I pay for calls to the UK on a special plan (best buddy lives there). But, ALL service providers include calls to the US, sometimes Canada and Mexico, too.

    AT&T offers unlimited calling to 85 countries for $15 a month per line. But, unless you call regularly, it's not worth the extra.

    So why would he be calling about his "long distance"? I'm confused.

    As for Amazon .. I have much more luck with the online customer service chat service than voice services. Plus solves the language/accent barrier.

    1. meetsy,
      If he wants this, he gets it. He called because he examines each bill minutely. He wondered why the charge was not on the bill.
      I hate chat.

  3. I’m also happy for you that you got the banking issue solved!

    1. Belinda,
      It was quite a problem and so annoying. One of these days I may call and try to figure out how I got so many answers that was wrong.

  4. Banks are a major annoyance and cesspool of incompetence.

    All your cooking and meals sound delicious!

    I made a cheeseball for a family party and it was well-received. There was some left over, but not much. Normally I use leftover cheeseball in the sauce for a baked mac 'n cheese. But I think we will just finish this up as a snack.

  5. Sue,
    "Banks are a major annoyance and cesspool of incompetence."
    May I quote you?
    May I put that on a bumper sticker?

    Thanks, we enjoy the meals we make. Cheese ball for breakfast sounds good to me right now.

  6. You may, LOL! If you print up bumper stickers, send me one!

    So I spread some cheeseball on toasted anadama bread and topped it with a fried egg. Heavenly!

    1. Sue,
      You ruined the cheeseball by putting a fried egg on it, in my opinion. But, i am glad it was heaven to you.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.