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Tuesday, January 28, 2025


 Jan. 28

steps 13,000

Because I only slept three hours Monday night, I was weary all day long, but did not sleep until 6:30pm. UGH! Then it was just an hour nap.

Tommy went into Dollar Tree and bought a red, heart garland with pink on it. It's on the tree with the red balls. It covers the tree, so the tree is mostly red. It is really very pretty and sparkly.

I think the temp was almost 60F today. The weather was dry, wind was almost non-existent. The sun was brilliant. 

Today. we ate leftovers. That helped clean out freezer and refrigerator. 

Eggs at Publix were $5.40 for a dozen Grade A eggs. This was cheaper than other stores around here. I looked at blueberries which I also had to toss. Blueberries in a tiny box were $7 each. My mouth fell open, and I put the blueberries down as four employees watched. 

Tonight, there was about a half cup of chili, so I had that with chili on top. It was delicious, all hot and gooey. I will eat salad in a bit and lots of strawberries. 

Tommy and I were talking about Kim's brown furniture and how beautiful it was. I asked him about brown furniture in his family. He said when he and his brother divided up house when the sold their parents' house. Tommy said he took the bedroom furniture and his brother and his wife took the dining room furniture, dark brown, maybe mahogany. His brother and his wife painted the formal dining room furniture the most terrible green.  They asked Tommy about his painting the bedroom furniture. What color was he going to paint it? He avoided answering. He said he would clean it if anything. Thank goodness. 

Today, I actually was able to get appointments, thankfully. Tomorrow, I will get the other appointments I need. Usually, the nurse calls back the next day or when I have the phone off.

I was discussing buying a laptop. I mentioned to a friend--"Oh, where does Sam work?" "Oh, Sam died." I was shocked. Tears came. Another friend is gone, and he was only about 45. It is a sad day. This only happened a month ago. It is particularly sad when a young person dies. 

Do you like dark brown furniture or not?


  1. If by brown , you mean original finished wood, then yes, I love it! I love mahogany and I especially love hard rock maple. Most of my hard furnishings (tables, drsks, dressers and bed frames) are thrift shop finds. I don’t mind a few scratches, as I think that adds character. People seem to get rid of stuff like that frequently here. I am talking about solid, beautifully finished, old made in the USA stuff in favor of IKEA-type white furniture. (I know because DD wanted to switch her oak headboard/footboard, matching dresser and vanity for something like that, claiming the look she had was “dated.”) Ah well, different tastes. What I can’t stand is seeing beautiful wood furniture painted with that god-awful chalk paint! But, again, different tastes!

    1. The term, 'brown' furniture has been around for years. Yes, different taste and bad taste. I must admit I have seen some cute things, just not my taste.

  2. I detest the term "brown" furniture. It comes from ignorant young people who don't know the difference between varieties of trees and the lumber from them.

    Just like those dumbass GenZ's who fall all over themselves buying the Always Pan--"A 10.5-inch pan that braises, sears, steams, strains, sautes, fries, boils, bakes, serves, stores…does it all." Duh.... that's what Every. Single. Forking. Pan. out there does! But they're all like, "WHAT?!?! A pan that actually sautes AND sears??? OMG, THAT'S SO DAMN AMAZING!!!! Please let me pay $150 for that incredible, innovative pan!

    Yeah. I got a lotta feels about those crappy, overpriced Always Pans. The best part? They come with metal steamer & metal strainer insets--AND THEN TELL YOU NOT TO USE METAL UTENSILS ON THEM! My head--it just explodes at the idiocy...

    Ahem. Back to the topic at hand.

    I love cherry, mahogany, and maple furniture. I hate it when fine wood is painted. Paint all the hideous oak you want, but please leave the fine woods alone.

    I'm sorry your friend Sam has passed, Linda. Yes, 45 is much too young to leave this world.

    1. Sue,
      You said it all and so well! You mean you don't have a pan for each cooking method? LOL

      My mother knew the tree growing and the wood in furniture and used to names of our wood furniture. Me? I was the idiot who did not know why she called the piano 'burled walnut." I know fine wood furniture when I see it, but don't know the name. But, don't paint the oak!

      Thanks. It will take me a while to get over this young man's death.

  3. I used to like dark brown furniture, but lately white is really bright and pretty and I'm leaning towards that now. I'm sorry about your friend passing, that is so sad to pass at such a young age.

    1. Belinda,
      White furniture can be very pretty! It just should not be fine woods. Thanks. He will be missed.

  4. Speaking of eggs, I just bought 2 cartons of 18-count white eggs (regular, not free-range). They were $10.79 each, limit of 2. I now have 7 doz in storage. I'll feel better when that's around 10. I hear it's possible to freeze eggs; gotta look that up.

    I think the egg situation is going to get much worse nationwide before it gets better. My family had better get used to cottage cheese or avocado on toast for their high-protein breakfasts. I also need to forbid them from using eggs in baking and to use egg substitutes instead.

    1. I froze eggs when I had chickens. I froze them two, four, and five at a time. I scrambled two eggs, poured them into two ounce Ball jjars. I froze the five for pound cakes. I had plenty of Ball jars, dozens. Other people freeze different ways. I had the boxes of jars from making hot pepper jelly and selling it.

  5. I went to Costco this morning for a tire rotation. While waiting I did a little shopping. All the white less expensive eggs were gone. They did have brown, pasture raised eggs at $8.29 for a 2 dozen package.

    I feel so sorry for the egg farmers who have had to exterminate their chickens.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.