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Monday, July 25, 2016

Eye News

Today, I went to the opthamologist, had my eyes dilated, and have a date to have the cataract in the left eye removed. While the doctor was there, I commented that I still could not see well out of the right eye, even after getting a new lens.

Well, lucky me! There is a bubble in my right eye that will be removed by laser. He promises that after dilation of that one eye, it will take five seconds and no pain to remove the bubble. How did I get a bubble in my eye? I asked. It is where the lens was removed and a new one inserted into my eye. He said that might contribute to my still-poor vision in the right eye. He said the bubble happens about 90% of the time. Lucky me.

I do not glow like a proper Southern lady. I sweat like a field hand. After $600 worth of repairs and new coolant last year, my blowing part of the ac went out. Fixed this year and now my ac blows furiously--hot, hot air. The heat drains me of energy. Plus, I sweat so that salty sweat gets into my eyes even without any activity. No, I am not going to wear a sweat band all summer.

Your turn
Have you had cataract surgery and been told there was a bubble in your eye? Okay, are you a prolific sweat machine like me?


  1. Just the thought of eye surgery makes me cringe. Despite family members having nothing but success stories.
    And yes, heat turns me into a sad, soggy and crabby mess. I am a sweating machine. And doesn't it hurt when the sweat runs into your eyes?

    1. EC,
      I was pretty much terrified the first time. Now, I am not happy, just resigned.
      I just have to give up on curling my hair in this weather. Yes, sweat in my eyes brings me to tears. The pain is excruciating.

  2. I sweat horribly, and always have. I have had night sweats since age 12. As young as 2, I would feel like I was roasting in long sleeves. When I lived in the south, I paid more for a.c. tgan heat....I never ran the heat. That said, as lo g as I have a.c. to sleep, I would rather have hit weather than fold.

  3. Meg B.,
    I agree with you wholeheartedly. I'd rather have ac than heat. Of course, I do need some heat. My children were always hot, too. People thought the house was too cold in the den, but the children were not cold. It was cold in their rooms in the winter, but basically they needed lots less coats and sweaters than other kids. Much to their displeasure, I kept dressing them warmly. I do the ac to sleep and prefer hot weather.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.