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Saturday, July 2, 2016

Dominique, My Strange Hen and the Farmer's Market

Dominique, my dominecker, is unlike any of my other hens were. When I bought her, she laid one egg in late August or early September. Then, she took the winter off.  The Rhode Island Reds gave me about 4-5 eggs even in the darkest part of the year in freezing weather.

She is the only hen of mine that has crowed. But, she is the only hen exposed to crowing roosters. I think the exposure makes the difference. She has been crowing for several months and has yet to improve or become louder. She still sounds hoarse. She is tolerable as to noise she creates.

Today, she had her first watermelon. At the market today everyone was packing up by the time I arrived. This half watermelon with a few cubes cut was next to go into the truck or trash. When I asked the woman what they were going to do with it, she asked if I wanted it. "Yes, but for my chicken."

Dominique was eager as I put it down, removed it from the bag and pulled a paper towel and another bag from underneath it. Of course, I am slow, plus I was trying not to end up covered with watermelon juice. She tentatively moved her head toward the red meat, then withdrew only to try again. When I left her, she looked joyous as she ate her watermelon. Of course, she had to move a chunk into the dirt and roll it around before it was "seasoned" to her taste.

At the market a guy had a basket of foot long zucchini, too long for my taste. However, I wanted to shred some zucchini to make a chocolate zucchini cake and also to use instead of pasta in spaghetti. I requested 10 in order to make it $5 worth of zucchini. He gave me all fifteen zucchini for my $5. Plus, I got lemonade for $1.

Although I don't arrive late on purpose, arriving late has its benefits. People are ready to reduce prices. I never ask for a reduced price. They offer. I tend to find a few people and produce I like and just never buy from other people.  Walking the length of the market is difficult. So, this works.

So, today saw another $6 well-spent.

Your turn
Do you have hens that crow? Do you have a hen that crows that has never been exposed to a rooster? Do you notice differences in personalities? What hen you have is or was the quirkiest? Did you find good buys this weekend at the store or a farmer's market.


  1. Linda I used to get carrot tops for my chickens. Most people asked for the tops to be removed and I asked if I could have them. I cant say I had one outstanding chicken, they were all funny. I still miss them. But we have a source for two dollar eggs so no chickens. I loved to treat them.

    1. carol,
      I never thought of carrot tops. No one at the market ever has carrots, but I will keep that in mind. If I did not have chickens, I would miss them, too. That is a good price on eggs!

  2. Hitting the markets late often has benefits. And, since my partner springs out of bed at the crack of noon given his druthers we are often late.

    1. EC,
      Often, that is the problem. Then, by the time I do other things and forget, I rush there. Luckily, I pass by the market going and coming. Otherwise, I would miss it entirely.

  3. I have no chickens (alas) but I sure enjoy hearing about them.

    1. Ur-spo,
      I like talking about them!
      that makes us a perfect

  4. We have to go through too much legal mumbo jumbo for me to ever have chickens, so no chicken stories for me. Just as well since I don't like eggs

    1. Anne,

      It is not legal here, but at one point, five of the 9 houses on this block had chickens. We just did it. If you don't like eggs, well, I just don't get it, so why have chickens. Exbf will not eat eggs, either. He won't even eat them in tuna salad if I mash them with a fork until they are unrecognizable.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.