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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The First One

Bloomed February 10, 2013

The daffodil above is the first flower of the year. Daffodils are so cheery! Do you have flowers blooming in your yard yet? When you comment, tell us generally where you live. I am in N AL. 


  1. Wow, so beautiful I had almost forgotten. I have a couple of crocuses up now, but no daffodils just yet.

  2. No flowers here. Still snowing. North Eastern Ontario.

  3. I wish I had crocus. I think the ground squirrels ate the bulbs many years ago.

  4. What a lovely sight! I can't wait for spring. I am in the Pacific Northwest where it is still cold and rainy, but my bulbs are up a few inches so there is hope!

  5. Anon/Leslie,
    Thanks. There are several dozen more to keep that one company. Maybe yours will be up soon.

  6. Daffodils are so pretty, lucky you being able to see them every day. It's Summer here in Western Australia but I don't have a lot of flowers unless you count the ones that turn into food. A few daisies but not much else.


    1. Barb,
      All my flowers (except for lilies I dug from my neighbor's yard when she died) were here when I moved here in 1977. Ground squirrels ate the few things I did plant.

      It would be nice to have flowers turn into food! These are food for the soul.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.