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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Yawning Tuesday

 Yawning and yawning is all I have done tonight. I almost got enough sleep last night. I have not taken a nap. I was going to take a nap at 4 pm, but gerd attacked and I have had to sit up. I ate a tiny doughnut and this is what I get. 

I don't feel like doing steps right now, but I will record some steps for this day later. 

Tommy is heating up bbq and  baked beans, He is having applesauce, too. I will have tuna salad on a bed of Romaine. That should not upset my stomach. I was mistaken. The tuna salad and Romaine choked me. I had to quit eating. 

I think it was 74F degrees today. The ac is on. I'm in heaven.

Latest I read: "Trump unveiled his plans to offer a shiny new "gold card" with a price tag of $5 million to "very high-level people," among them "Russian oligarchs.""

Trump Says He Could Sell ‘Russian Oligarchs' a ‘Route' to U.S. Citizenship

What is this world coming to?

Eggs from Turkey

Feb. 24

steps 18,000

 I have been awake since 10 am and have not napped at all today. So, a much better situation. I still need to get with Amazon for continuing problems. 

We went to grocery and I now have sardines. There were no POSSUM sardines. But, I did have to get sardines in soy oil, something I did not want to do. I will try to get all the olive oil off that I can. This calls for paper towels, something I rarely use. And, I now have bananas. Nature's Own was bogo, dozen large Grade A Publix eggs--$5.99, 2 roach baits, Bertolli bogo. I forgot to buy onions. At Piggly Wiggly--cabbage, Land O Lakes Butter-2 pounds, Ronco Spaghetti. Between the two stores, we spent $74.

It breaks my heart what is happening to Ukraine! 

I checked with my bank to determine if McAfee was trying to get into my account. PayPal is sending me warnings. But, they have not gotten into my account or attempted to take funds. I have not used PayPal in 20 years. I refuse to open the emails from them.

When, if eggs from Turkey are imported and sold here, I will buy none. I will pay the price at the store. 

Today, when I dressed to go out, I put on a light jacket. It was scorching outdoors and suffocating in the car. I think it was 66F today. Tomorrow, I think the forecast is 70F for Tuesday. I love this weather. 

I was hoping someone had bought one of the scooters in the yesterday post. Or, maybe had experience with one. 

Even though I only slept until 10 am this morning, I got very little sleep last night. I warned Tommy that I would start using the phone when I awoke. He did not complain. 

Okay, 'napped' from 7-12 pm. Still groggy and feel I had no rest. 

Tomorrow, I will get up and start phone calls. 

It was a beautiful day! Birds are all aflutter. My pots of tulips are so green. Hopefully, the blossoms will appear. The dandelions are ahead of all the other 'flowers.' 

It is 1 am and I have not eaten since noon, so I suppose I should eat something, I have no idea what Tommy ate.

Will you buy eggs from Turkey?

Is the weather where you live warmer?

Monday, February 24, 2025

Sardines and Mobility Scooter Search

 Sunday was about the same as the last week. No sleep on Saturday, just Sunday. I got none of my calls done. 

I wanted to see the special with Tom Hanks narrating, but I needed to sleep as my eyes were closing. I slept. I wanted to see the Grosse Point Garden Club or something like that. I could not keep my eyes open once again. I actually did watch part of the special. I wanted to watch the news and slept through it.

Tommy woke me and told me it was almost six just like I told him. I just lay there. Finally, he came back and I asked him why he wanted me to get up so early. He told me the special that I wanted to watch at 6pm was coming on. Once again, I got the time wrong. 

This is driving me crazy. 

Finally, I made a call to Amazon about issues with orders. I got a woman in the Philippines who seemed incapable of speaking slowly except when she said, "I'm sorry" when I stopped her to slow down. It was torture! I need to get someone in the US to help me straighten out the problems she caused. I was too exhausted to try to get her to slow down. 

I had tackled the easiest issue! Have you found that Amazon service is less efficient and more confusing lately? 

How about this scooter? Anyone ever used this or knows anything about it? 

Today, I did not have my banana! I just ate more apple. I have been craving sardines! Do you like sardines? My favorite brand is POSSUM. What is your favorite? 


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Chicken and Ducklings YUM

Saturday and Saturday night did not go any better than Friday and Friday night. We got nothing done on Saturday. Leftovers were plentiful and delicious, So there were no problems to finding tasty and nutritious meals, not just eating whatever. 

I had a short talk with Tommy about not getting two important calls made. He said if he could get enough sleep during the night, he could get up earlier. The problem also is that I cannot get to sleep during the night, so I need to do things early before I am punchy. 

Sitting on the bed to talk does not work and there is no other sitting place I can use anywhere in the house to make a long phone call. Now that he knows what is going on, I will just use the phone even though he is asleep. He knows these calls involve money, lots of money. I never wake sleeping people, so this makes me feel like a mean, unfeeling person. I told him he could take a long nap if I caused him to get up too early. I am only talking about 10 am!

Saturday, I got up at 7 pm, too late to go to store or pharmacy. He was rattling around getting his dinner. So, we both have to work on this problem. Otherwise, nothing will ever be accomplished around here. 

I need to make this. Chicken and Ducklings Will you try this?

It seems the roach treatment that works well had been discontinued. That is disappointing. It seems that happens too often--find a favorite in any category and it disappears! My favorite bra disappeared, followed by favorite shoe along with many other items. Has this ever happened to you too many times?

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Nothing Here

 Feb 21


I did not sleep a second on Thursday night. We decided to go somewhere on Friday afternoon that was closed! I was in bed by 1 pm. I awoke at 6:45, sweating, and Tommy was making a racket in the kitchen. I asked him what he was up to so early. Of course, it was still 

He brought my dinner--a bit of ground beef, huge sweet potato, turnip greens. 

That is it. I have more, but I am tired and going to bed

What have you accomplished?

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Garlic and Me

 I know my health is my responsibility. I will not give up chocolate! I do eat much less. But, there are things I can do. Eating garlic to lower the risk of a blood clot or heart attack or stroke is something I can do. I always keep garlic visible on the counter. But, since I don't put things in food, leave it to Tommy, it never is included. My head of garlic had gone bad. 

I bought another this week with the goal of consuming one clove each day, at least. I asked Tommy if he liked garlic. He doesn't. I assured him he would not be able to taste strong garlic. One of his favorite dishes at Ruby Tuesday is zucchini, olive oil and garlic. I chopped a whole clove and put it in the soup which we will eat over a few days. So, there will be no consuming a whole clove each day. I will increase consumption slowly so as not to freak out Tommy. 

Plaque in arteries is not anything to ignore. 

We cooked soup again today. It was on before noon, and Tommy managed not to have it done by 9 pm. How is possible when I told him to put it on high? 

He could not detect the garlic taste. Next time, I will put two cloves. He said it was crunchy when he ate it??? Garlic cooked for 7 hours will not be crunchy. The potatoes were crunchy along with the carrots. 

Tommy knew all the vegetables had no sodium. Yet he used no salt on his soup. Maybe he can now taste food without salt. Progress! 

It has been so cold here.  I could not sleep because of cold feet. I did discover how to keep my feet warm. Tomorrow, I will reveal that. lol

I discovered how to get Tommy to keep the short bookcase by his chair and the door uncluttered. Before Christmas I put three electric candles on a long white tray. When I had this ready, I told him to keep junk off the bookcase. Since the tray goes on the table where the Christmas tree is rooting, he still keeps the area around the candles free of junk. I have not mentioned clutter since before Christmas. I had room to put my salsa bouquet there, too. 

Okay, time to hang up nightgowns to dry!

Do you dislike garlic or use it freely?

Do you deliberately eat some things for your health?

I tried Coca Cola Orange Cream


Jan 19

steps 10,300


I tasted it once and made a horrible face. Tommy  tried it and did not like it, either. I decided to give it a second chance. It was still horrible. Tommy wondered how it would taste with vanilla ice cream in it. I don't care. The problem is--I like to mix orange juice and Coke!!

We had no slush yesterday, not even a flake. The temperature is in the mid 20s and going lower. This Wednesday night will be frigid. 

We collected the ads, even though I had not slept a second on Tuesday night or all day on Wednesday. 

We bought Romaine, blueberries, sweet potatoes, garlic. I was feeling so horrible that we got Whopper, jr for each of us. At home, Tommy scrubbed the sweet potatoes, and I trimmed and oiled them for the oven. Then, I went to bed for a nap. I was willing to sleep for the rest of the night. But, I had no such luck.

I did manage to do my steps, the only thing besides shopping in Publix. 

Dinner for Tommy: sweet potato, turnip greens from can, leftover ground beef. I had a cup of sweet potato from jacket. 

My Whopper, Jr. had no lettuce, so they handed me two huge slices. I considered that part of my vegetable consumption. 

I am grateful for a warm bed tonight. How about you?

Have you tried the orange cream Coke? Do you like it?