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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Two Cuties

Or, were they Halos? When I left to go to the apple giveaway, I knew Charlie would be there, so I put two Cuties in my pocket--one for him and one for me.

As I approached the apple bins, I heard someone say, "Oh, fresh fruit! Good, I have not had fresh fruit in two months."

I cannot imagine. I was sort of struck like a statue and could not breathe. I reached in my pocket and got one Cutie and offered it to her. She seemed not to hear or see me. Then, I stepped closer and spoke louder. She still did not respond so I put the Cutie much closer, like a foot from her face and spoke more loudly. She held out her hand for me to place it there.

When I saw her eagerly eat it, I gave her the other one. She devoured it, too. I don't think I have ever been without fresh fruit for more than a day. How about you?

Last Friday, my internet was connected. By Saturday, it was not working. On Monday, it was fixed again. Tuesday, it quit working! Today, Wednesday, it was repaired once more. I am once again sick of ATT! If I have not been by your blog, now you know why.

Your turn
Do you love fresh fruit? Do you manage to keep it on hand?  Does anyone have technology provider issues?


  1. Hi Linda, long time no read! I must ask, what is a Cutie? I have never heard that. I couldn't imagine not being able to have fresh fruit whenever I wanted to. Internet, I lost everything that was on my hard drive when it died a couple of months ago and miss internet on the odd occasion when it doesn't work. I feel for you having so much trouble so often. Take care.


    1. So, I re-read and the Cutie is a Halo? What is a Halo?

    2. Barb,
      A Cutie and a Halo are variations of one fruit--mandarins or another fruit. They are citrus fruits, tiny, and taste like oranges or tangerines. Sorry I did not see your question.

    3. Barb,
      Cutie or Halo are like talking apples and saying Granny Smith or Delicious.

  2. I always have some kind of fresh fruit. It may not be exactly what I want but I have it.

    1. Anne,
      Same here. I feel like I am suffering if I don't have a banana each day, but I will go buy some the next day. I only have grapes or cherries if they are on sale somewhere.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.