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Sunday, December 27, 2015

Decluttering Site

A decluttering site I found today and like. Maybe you can glean something for yourself.

Your turn
Do you like the site?


  1. That's an interesting website. I have already begun going thru closets to get rid of things. Just not interested in having stuff accumulate here.

    1. Michelle,
      I see you are getting ahead of clutter. I have a friend who goes through her children's clothes and toys every two or three years to see what needs to go. I decluttered at least twice a year. I had a bag in the closet where clothes that did not fit went instead of to my children's rooms. She said she just kept putting things back that did not fit.

  2. Interesting. My partner flatly refuses to let things go. Which is hard.

    1. EC,
      Some days, I find it hard to let things go. But, I face facts and toss things, sell, or give away. Maybe he just has categories he keeps, hopefully.

    2. He has the socks he wore to boarding school (over forty years ago), every book he owns (though he doesn't reread), every college essay, the GPS he replaced because it doesn't work well...

    3. EC,
      I didn't think I could do it, but I decluttered 800 books, leaving me with about 1000. I do have all my college work from two BAs and the master's and all work beyond that.

    4. Oh, EC,
      I finally got rid of socks that old. I did wear one pair with visible holes for about five years because they felt good. Friends offered to buy me new socks.

  3. I'm always decluttering, so this is awesome :D


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.