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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tiptoe through the Tulips and other Plants


I am still going to put these tulip bulbs one to a pot and see what happens. They have been in the warmest place in my house and are starting to sprout! My friend said I cannot put them several in a pot and expect them to make it to the next season. It seems that potting them more than one in a pot kills the blooming forever. But, but, but....I see them in magazines potted that way for spring. sigh....sigh. I may tuck a few in the large pot with the Hosta and see what I can Exbf has been working, so his nails are dirty.

More bad news--she just told me that they will not make it to another season, only this one since they were not put into the soil, so I should put them all in one pot and enjoy hoo. So, I buy tulips for the first time and am killing them!

I don't think I have 14 pots that are large enough...10 inches across, I am told.  I need to wander out to my table, pots, and potting soil and see what I can salvage.

Big fat question for all the garden design magazines and television people and Martha Stewart: Why don't you inform people that bulbs squashed in a pot to create a lovely design will never make flowers again? Hmmm....answer me that.

Today, the temperature was 60 degrees F at 4:00 and not dropping. The balmy feel is enhanced by the chirping and singing of birds. Brilliant sunshine and a cloudless sky are not hurting my feelings at all. An April day peeping is out of January.  I feel wonderful.
4-inch daffodils
riveting photos, right?

5-inch daffodils, still January
Daffodils are up about 4- and 6-inches. Actually, I noticed the 6-inch ones between Christmas and New Year's Day. That's very early, even for the deep South.  Momentarily sitting in the yard enhanced my feeling of physical and mental well-being. Maybe this weather will persist and not give in to the thunderstorms that are predicted for tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed with me.

Today, the Episcopal Church had their monthly lunch. All the poinsettias were up for grabs. Mine that I got is still is in good shape and with plenty of red! Let's see how long it takes me to kill it. My friend sent pictures from Yemen showing 10 ft poinsettia "trees."  At the lunch, I saw people from the market, people who are now going to help me figure out the best place to get rhubarb plants. Last year, no one in north Alabama knew where there was a stalk of rhubarb. This year, I also plan to advertise me want much earlier.

You noticed I never got my salad greens planted? Yes, things happened. And, things did not happen.

bird nest

I suppose this could not possibly be a new nest. (Exbf says it is old.) I could not look inside because it is too high for me to see. The camera held over the nest was the best I could do. You notice the bird first lined the nest with plastic. She was smart enough to put nice leaves and twigs next to the babies. Those baby birds are so buck nekkid that you would think the rough leaves and twigs would scratch their red skin. Maybe the mother bird lines the nest with her feathers.  

Your turn
Do you have any tulip advice? I know it is very cold someplace. Surely it is. How is the weather at your place? If I find someone with rhubarb growing, can it be divided and still make this year?


  1. My mother-in-law bought a poinsettia for herself and one for my wife just before Christmas... now she is the one with the green fingers in the family - my wife is a bit notorious for killing plants! However mother-in-laws barely made it through Christmas ours looks like it'll make into February at least... And the very delicate orchid my brother and his wife bought us as 25th anniversary present, I have to say I thought their faith misplaced the last one had eventually gone in the bin when my son one day said "Mum how long are you going to water that stick before you agree that it is DEAD!", anyway 18 months later - still strong and healthy with 2 flowers currently and more buds around... I know my wife is especially proud and pleased with that one :-)

  2. Your wife must be growing a green thumb. I mostly kill indoor plants! Good for her!

  3. I don't know about tulips in pots. I stick them outdoors in the soil in the fall and they live on out there. I'd kill them indoors for sure! My green thumb applies only outdoors!

    Rhubarb should produce for you the first year from a division. We harvest ours until around July when I think to leave the poor things alone so that they can survive another year. Next year, you will be able to harvet in spring.

  4. The pots stay outdoors! They will not come inside. I have to get my hands on some rhubarb before I can consider anything...sigh. It seems there is none around here. I will order it soon if someone does not come forward after my advertising.

  5. It has to be there somewhere! Does your area have a garden club?


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.