candles burned down on treat table
Yes, in my town, it's all over officially. That leaves tonight, the official Halloween free for the mischief-makers. [update: I hear there will be more T or T tonight]
About the candle picture--the candles did not fit in the candelabra. I tried using a knife to pare the bottoms. No luck. They kept falling over. Finally, I melted wax in the base and even resorted to just shoving matchsticks into the base by the candles. Still, the candles were not straight. However, they did look like the belonged in a spooky setting. Then, they started dripping and upsetting me. Finally, I was fascinated by the strange and unique shapes formed by the melting wax. I bought 12 candles in a box at a yard sale, paying $0.50. The box said "dripless candles." Surely, these were not the candles that came in that box...???
Last night was a scaled-back Halloween display at mt house. Oh, I put out my little graveyard, but the mad scientist display on the treat table was missing, as was my costume. Usually, I have Osage orange fruit out with labels--zombie brain. etc. Various other items were missing. Only a ghost candy bowl and these candles were on the table covered in black cloth.
One year, I had two big bowls of candy. The middle school and high school boys would take three huge handfuls. This year, I just threw in a little candy in the bowl and kept it almost empty. Kids were polite when they thought it was the last of the bag. Little children who only took one piece were encouraged to take more. Pascow was obtained for a quarter at a yard sale about 12 years ago.
I put the table by the street and have the graveyard to one side. This year, there was no ghost in the tree.
A very scary cd plays on my boom box nearby. I love the screams and howls!
The unusual candle stick was only $1 or less at a yard sale about 10 years ago.
Best Costume of the Night
A young girl taped light sticks to her costume and costumes of her siblings. The mother said the directions called for hot glue, but they used lots of scotch tape instead. The children had black clothing on. They had some sort of hats with black veils, maybe something they made. This was an eerie sight.
Isn't this a great costume. Can you see the veil-like thing to which the lightsticks are attached? I love the original or homemade costumes.
The town decided that Halloween falling on a school night was not good for the children, so T or T was moved to Saturday night. If Halloween falls on Monday through Thursday, no one cares if it is a school night. What's up with that?
So, it's not over everywhere? Happy Halloween! How was your Halloween? "The goblins will get you if you don't watch out!"
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Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.