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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Why Am I the Last to Know?

Thinking ahead to my second cataract surgery, I commented to exbf that I needed to get the names of the drops for my eyes, since I was allergic to both drops last time. I remarked that if anyone was going to be allergic to something that anyone would be me.

He laughed, telling me what the nurse said when I came back after my endoscopy last time. The nurses wheel patients back to their little room immediately after surgery so another patient can be rolled in and get final prep.

As soon as I was wheeled back in and the nurse spoke to me, he said I opened my eyes and said, "I want something to eat. I'm hungry." The nurse remarked that, "People don't wake up talking, just mumbling things no one can understand."

He laughed (last week) at the fact I did things differently, even when under anesthesia. What I want to know is why he did not tell me what happened then instead of two years later. ??? I always ask him what I said as I was coming out from under anesthesia!

Tuesday, later on this morning, I go for another endoscopy. I am not thrilled! The problem is my blood sugar drops until I am confused, woozy, cannot think, feel panicky. Fasting is not what I do best. THEN, they will not be able to find a vein due to no liquids. Last time, they finally gave me sugar in the iv. So, this time I arranged to get it before my blood sugar drops.

Late Monday night, I bought a few groceries with a some good deals. I will post those later. If you have a Sprouts Farmers Market, look for deals this week.

I always pack a "lunch" for exbf because I tell him he would rather pass out than go buy a coke or crackers. He is diabetic but thinks the rules don't apply to him...until it's too late. So far, I have diet Coke, cherries, bottle of water, 2  packages peanut butter crackers, apple, dried apricots. Since he must be there for at least four or five hours, I will put other things in tomorrow.

Tomorrow, I must ply Thelma with calcium--egg shells and calcium tablets. Monday, as I tried to pick up her egg from the nest, the bottom of the egg was already broken. I tried to pick it up three times, and each time it crushed more. Hopefully, one will not break inside her and kill her.

Your turn
Do you know if you say strange things coming out from anesthesia? One person said his gentle, Christian grandmother was cursing like a sailor before she awoke from surgery, saying words she would never utter when awake? Are you one of those people who are allergic to many things?


  1. When the nurses asked my Dad if he knew where he was, he replied "In the boot of Mum's van"

    This was quite confusing to the Americans who were looking after him, to them a boot is a trunk. :) Once this was explained, they asked Mum if she often put him in the "boot". I cannot recall him ever sitting in the boot, he is usually in the front, but I sit in there regularly - she has a Chrysler Voyager and the last row of seats is pretty much in the trunk. :)

    He was actually out of it for many days, not just after he woke up. He said to me that he was going to teach me how to play golf, that I did not understand the game and it was very important that I learned about it.

    He told my sister that her partner was a swear word I shall not repeat, plus, no good and useless. Said partner was in the room at the time!

    Well, he was right on the last one, I have to admit. ;) In fact that could be said about both her partners. She chooses poorly.

    Anyway, I enjoy your blog. I've been reading you since February or so. ;) Not sure if I ever left a comment before, if not, hello to you from Australia!

    1. LOL, that is funny. Give him anesthesia md it's like a truth serum!

      Maybe she will fix her guy chooser.

      Thank you for coming by often.

  2. Are you saying that you're packing a sack lunch for him?

    1. 444,
      Don't laugh. He bought my dinner afterwards! He had to be brought into hospital and to my room in a wheelchair. He had to be helped out of the recliner. They took him out in wheelchair to get the car and took me in a wheelchair to him.

  3. We are exactly what we are under the influence of anesthesia. My surgeon said I told the first part of a joke, then added - "if you don't kill me, I'll tell you the punchline later". But you just answered something I've ALWAYS worried about. I get low blood sugar prior to tests, so I always make sure I'm scheduled early. BUT I always wondered why they have to chop me up to find a vein. Now I know: DEHYDRATION!!! Prior to tests now, (not BLOOD tests) I always carry a packet of real sugar with me. They'll never know.

  4. We are exactly what we are under the influence of anesthesia. My surgeon said I told the first part of a joke, then added - "if you don't kill me, I'll tell you the punchline later". But you just answered something I've ALWAYS worried about. I get low blood sugar prior to tests, so I always make sure I'm scheduled early. BUT I always wondered why they have to chop me up to find a vein. Now I know: DEHYDRATION!!! Prior to tests now, (not BLOOD tests) I always carry a packet of real sugar with me. They'll never know.

    1. lotta joy,
      So, I am glad he was motivated to not kill I called his office and hospital the day before the procedure, reminding the doctor's nurse of the fact thee last time it came down to an emergency to get me some sugar.

      I ate 3 eggs scrambled at 5 am. so the hypoglycemia did not happen at all. Plus, there was sugar in the bag. I hate blood tests when I must fast.

      When I drink a tsp of water out of a cooking measuring spoon, I always confess. I m afraid not to tell on myself. LOL

  5. For simple blood draws, load up on water for plump, juicy veins! Cheers.

    1. Helen
      Nothing to eat or drink after midnight means no water, unfortunately. If I don't have those instructions, I drink lots and lots of water so I will have plump veins.

  6. I respond badly to anaesthesia. I come round puking and continue. I suspect my first words are a demand for a bucket.
    Good luck on the endoscopy.

    1. EC, so sorry about that. My mother was the same way. She was amazed I never threw up, said I was like my father. Thanks!

  7. No anesthesia stories here, but I will wish you all the best and say we're thinking of you!!


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.