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Saturday, December 7, 2024

Cancelled Week

 I managed to go to one dr appointment. Then, one by one I cancelled appointments and things to do all week. We have been planning to go to the Christmas Parade. It is happening now as I attempt to cough up a lung. 

Last night, I lay in bed, I cough, sneezed and spent until 3 am tossing and coughing and sneezing . Finally, I got up to sit in living room, fearing I would wake Tommy. I did not cough or sneeze once, thankfully. 

One of the bath guys insists on 15 minutes of our time for a new deal. He will be annoyed, I am sure if we cancel. I have not been able to talk since Tuesday. My whole body is trembling, sort of surface skin trembles. 

The food Tommy was given has been handy, no cooking, no thinking, just dip it and microwave. 

I did manage to find someone to clean until my cleaner comes back. So, Yay!


  1. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well, Linda. You sound miserable. At least there are easy meals readily available!

    1. Sue,
      Miserable is an understatement. Yes, food cooked it a good thing. He dips and heats.

  2. So sorry to read you are not feeling at all well.
    Hoping you start to feel better soon, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  3. I hope you get to feeling better very soon, Linda.

    1. Me too! Not happening.4 am and just threw up. Yuck


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.