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Monday, November 25, 2024

Valet Lost Car!

 Today, the weather was beautiful. We left early, well 10 am is early to me. We both had appointments with our dermatologist. Tommy's face has been red, something entirely foreign to his face since I have know him. She gave him tube of med for Rosacea. I thought she should test. Plus, his face has had huge flakes of dandruff stuck to his face. I have mentioned both these to him in the past and he exploded. But, now he meekly heeds my suggestions to have things checked. As the doctor was close to his face, she looked at his chest and took a biopsy, saying it looked precancerous. 

I had several growths on me from collar bone up, all of which she blasted/froze. One eyebrow has a growth near the outer edge. She took her freezer-blaster in hand and said, "Maybe the brow will grow back."  So, I maybe only have one eyebrow in the future. She blasted about ten areas on head! She really hurt me! My former derm gave the blaster a little pst pst pst. She gives it a long Pssssssssssst while I am in severe pain. 

Nothing hurts Tommy. I want her to hurt him! 

Yesterday, Tommy said in alarm, "What is wrong with your lip?" I was eating a Nathan's teeny hotdog in a blanket. After the first bite, I tried to drink, and a huge, clear blister had risen on my lip. Now, my lip is raw, so it is one more thing I am allergic to consuming.

I accidentally found out from her that wart remover will do the same job. I will certainly not return for torture. She is very nice, and I trust her. 

While there, the valet who parked out car lost it. Everybody was looking for it and apologized to us. It took an hour to find it. He parked it somewhere in the parking deck where it was not supposed to go. 

On the way home we stopped at Publix to buy Cokes b2g2, so a 12-pack carton cost $4.65, better than $9.29 for 12 Cokes. The place was packed at 2 pm. 

Saturday, I bought 6 pair of house shoes. I am trying them on at home. 

Tonight, I finally cooked the pork loin chops. I forgot what seasoning I used, but they were delicious. The sweet potatoes were Beauregard, my favorite variety, slaw was good. Tomorrow night, we will share with neighbor. 

Tonight, I ordered a washable, wool, blanket from Woolroom. I won't be cold this winter! I hope it is good one. Have you ever had a blanket from Woolroom?

If you have anything frozen off, does it hurt you? 

Have valet parking ever lost your car? 


  1. Yikes on the valet losing your car!

    1. Belinda,
      That is what I thought. Then, I realized that eventually it would show up, wrecked, trashed or not.

  2. There is no "test" for rosacea. The derm merely looks for the telltale signs; redness, tiny broken blood vessels, tiny pustules, hyperplasia, etc. It's a case of "I know it when I see it."

    I am curious about your statement:

    "I accidentally found out from her that wart remover will do the same job."

    I am assuming you were taling about the nitrogen blask process. But on what skin condition will the wart remover "do the same job"?

    That is so weird about the valet losing your car. I hope to hell you didn't tip him. And he should have offered you free parking coupons for that annoyance!

    1. Sue,
      All I know is that I was told I had rosacea after a skin test for cancer.

      I mean I can use wart remover with her blessing and will have same results. I had used wart remover on two of these years ago. But, I assumed she would not approve and the wart remover would not do the job. It really stinks, though!

      As for the car, I was smiling and saying, it's okay type remarks. In the meantime, Tommy was outside giving them what for. He told them we were tired and hungry. I asked Tommy if they gave him back his money. He said nothing for the inconvenience. I think after all the pain I had gone through, I was glad to be out of reach of her blasting me.

    2. Use the wart remover on what? Not warts, I'm assuming. What were you having her blast with the nitrogen?

    3. I think they are actinic keratosis.

    4. Yeah, so the skin test for cancer was only that. Your rosacea was diagnosed simply by a visual inspection & evaluation.

      But isn't it great that now you can use wart remover instead of being cryo-blasted? Nitrogen HURTS, and I'll bet you're thrilled you can try something a zillion times less painful. Hope it works for you!

    5. Sue,
      The way he stated it was you don't have skin cancer, but you do have rosacea. He was looking at report. There is nothing on my face that would indicate rosacea. No broken veins no redness. So, I wonder.

      I am thrilled. I still need the check for skin cancer, but that view won't hurt. Thanks.

  3. "I want her to hurt him!" That's a terrible thing to say. It made me cringe reading it. What a nasty sentiment.
    My husband can bear the freezing rather stoically, but cannot bear to have a bandaid removed. Never could. Years ago I taught him the trick of using petroleum jelly to dissolve the adhesive, and he was ever grateful. We get small, single use packets of Aquaphor from his dermatologist when he has his appointments so we can easily remove the bandages without the risk of infection from a bigger, previously opened container.

    1. Meg,
      Get over it! Yes, I did want him to feel the pain I felt. I was not asking her to knock him out.

      She said lots of people can stand it. Some cannot. Large containers gross me out. I use a coffee stirrer to dip into them.

    2. Why? Why would you want someone else to feel the pain you felt? It won't make your's any less. I guess it's not my business how you both treat each other, but dang.

    3. He knew I was not serious!!! I keep telling him how it hurts me. He just now said I don't hurt his feelings and was not offended at all. He did not feel I was treating him badly. I would have laughed if he said that to me.

  4. A few years ago we were staying in hotel - in town for a wedding- and we valet parked at night. In am no one could retrieve my car for me as none of the valets knew how to drive stick shift, nor would they let me go to lot and get it myself. Ended up waiting an hour until a cook came to work who could drive the car....

    1. Dani,
      How awful. I wonder if this led to making sure they had someone who could drive a stick.

  5. I had a verruca frozen off many, many years ago, I can't remember now if it hurt or was uncomfortable.

    Do take care

    All the best Jan

    1. Jan,
      I had a wart burned off my knee when I was 8. It did not hurt at all. Of course, it was probably deadened. I was just scared.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.