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Saturday, November 16, 2024

Friday Ordeal

 The second bathroom company was scheduled to come at 6pm Friday. Well, that did not happen due to my lack of sleep. I had not slept all night, went shopping during the day. I had to sleep. I slept from 4 pm until 10:45 pm. I cannot help it. 

The protein drink I bought Tommy at Sam's had more carbs than protein, so we won't buy that again. I think I put down the wrong product. The one I bought today had 30 g of protein and 3 mg carbs. It tasted like Yoohoo, watered down chocolate milk.  

Now, I realize I have a raging UTI. Lovely. Now, I realize why I am feeling so awful--cold, achy, kidney pain, joints ache. 

While we were doing my leg therapy, Tommy and I talked about Christmas. I asked him about the biggest surprise Santa gifts. He said when he was a teen, his father bought the two boys a shotgun. SHOTGUN? He lived in Bessemer. He was not a country dweller. This was the father who refused to buy him a bike because he might get hit by a car! Tommy bought his own bike when he went to Auburn. Of course, he had a car, too. 

Friday morning, there were sounds outside on the street for hours, it seems. I didn't feel curious enough to go look out the door. Finally, I sorted it all. First was the garbage truck going up and down both sides of the street. People going to work, people coming home from work. The neighbor pulling the+ trash can to our house. Finally, I heard something closer and a voice near the door. A delivery. Then, everything was quiet.  There had been a mystery noise that went on for thirty minutes. I still don't know what that was. I never heard it here. Remember, I was sleep deprived and feverish. The noise was not disturbing me at all. It was just all a mystery. 

Cleaner goes to doctor in ten days. So, she won't be able to come here until just before Thanksgiving. That is not good for me. Of course, her surgery recovery comes first. 

I am too tired to continue. No edit on this. Nothing exciting or interesting. Just a record of my day for me, I suppose. 

Have you ever tried  Yoohoo? Did you like it? 


  1. I don't care for Yoohoo. I drink Orgain nutritional shakes. The one I like has 16g protein & 28 carbs.

    1. Tiffany,
      Yoohoo is nasty! I never heard of that drink. He needs more protein or at least as many protein as the carbs. But, I will look for a candy bar.

  2. One of my BILs drinks YooHoo. Incomprehensible.

    Premier Protein Shakes. Delicious. 16 flavors.
    I think I've mentioned them.

    160 calories. 30 gr protein. 2 net gr of carbohydrates
    (5 gr carbs - 3 gr fiber = 2 net gr carb)

    1. Sue,
      My thoughts exactly about drinking Yoohoo.
      Premier is what we bought.

    2. Sue,
      I will. At least it won't taste like diluted chocolate.

    3. Sue,
      I will. At least it won't taste like diluted chocolate.

  3. Linda, try the Vanilla.

    Personally, I thought the chocolate was fine. I was so happy to have a low-carb, hi-protein meal replacement while on the road that I didn't worry too much about the taste.

    1. I don't know how I got the reply above your comment. I just got chocolate because I like chocolate.

  4. I got books at Christmas, but that is what I wanted.


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.