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Monday, September 27, 2010

Coop De Grace & HenCam & Chicken's Consigliere

I love the Coop De Grace blog. If you like cartoons, you might like these. If you like chickens, you might like these chickens. And, if you like chicken cartoons, you are going to love these! For some hilarious and honest chicken cartoons with a bunny, Vincent, thrown in, try Coop De Grace.  When I discovered the blog, I sat right down and read all the cartoons at Kater's site. If you decide to do the same thing, read from oldest to newest. Oh, she has an art site too!

The HenCam is right inside the coop! Plus, Terry Golson's outdoor chicken yard and goats have their own camera. Between sundown and sunrise the cam is turned off.

 Terry is a professional cook and food writer who has written a book, Tillie Lays an Egg, a book inspired by her very own hen, Tillie. She offers a curriculum based on the book. Teachers might be interested in her book and offerings. Tillie is one of her chickens.

The Chicken's Consigliere is bizarre at first. Then, it became hilarious once I figured out what was happening. Chicken has quite a life.

If you are looking for advice on how to raise chickens...hmmm, I only remember the fun stuff on these blogs. Try them; you will like them.

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Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.