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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Odds and Ends--Loose Threads

Okay, there is no focus here.

I found two more dictionaries on my shelves. My parsimonious side knows that someone will love having a dictionary that is free. My practical side tells me I cannot find all these people who need free books. However, donating this to a thrift store that uses all the proceeds for a food bank will satisfy my need to help someone save money, avoid using my resources to find that person, and help the food bank at the same time. That said, I have another load of books and household items ready for the thrift store.

Only one egg today. What is with them? The heat? I made them forage too much and did not supply enough vegetable scraps? Protein was served to them. Okay, I am going with--oppressive heat. Anyway, ever so often, I have a skimpy egg day from them. Considering they have given me four eggs a day for weeks, the girls deserve a rest.

Hungry Children
I want to go look for them. But, that just sounds creepy. Right? I can give them the jelly and bread I forgot last night.

Canning jars
My friend gave me the jars a guy bought for me from a yard sale. I have washed and consolidated my own. The new jars from last year, never used, are at the ready. Yet, I am compelled to buy more jars. This year, I plan to can things like pecans, something I did not know was possible. Canning food is more practical than freezing. My freezer stays so full of meat and other items gotten on sale (almost free) that I really cannot add other items to my list of food to freeze.

Fruit flies
Where do they come from? They are dead in the freezer, dead in the refrigerator/under the door of the refrigerator, dead everywhere. So few are still alive. Now is the time to employ the vacuum, my favorite way of eradicating them! Chasing and trapping just does not work for me, ever. Fruit flies are so tiny that the hose of the vacuum can suck them in quite easily. Anyone else ever try this?

Things I really, really want!
Bike, dehydrator, pressure canner, henhouse

Did you notice these are all rather big-ticket items? I won't bother explaining why I want these as it is quite evident from the nature of their use.


  1. I buy jars all the time too. Yardsales are great & 1 thrift shop is pretty good here. The other thrift shops charge more per jar than buying them new. I still end up looking for more jars by the end of the season, and sometimes running out to buy more to finish just one more batch of...

  2. When I give away jars of preserved food, I always admonish the recipient to please return the jars. So far, no one has done so. This year, I gave all the canned goods to a friend to give to her fellow workers. This year, there was a catch--canning was free; produce was free; my time was free; energy was free; and, the jars were fifty cents. Every last jar was taken in no time. One guy bought me some Ball and Kerr jars at a yard sale to help me. WOW!


Okay, hoping the annoyances have gone away.