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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Humpty Dumpty's egg shells

Have I mentioned that I feed my egg shells to my hens? I do. And, they will not eat their own eggs after being fed the shells. I toast them in the oven before I crush them to feed to the four hens producing eggs for me. When I was a child, taking the pie pan of leftovers out to the dog and hens, Mama cautioned me to brown the shells so the dogs would not recognize (by scent, I suppose) the shells as the same things the hens would lay each day. So, I continue to slightly brown the shells for the hens.

Actually, with brown eggs like I have, it's difficult to tell when they are starting to brown. Watch and when the inner membrane left starts to brown, turn the oven off. Oh, by the way, never turn on the oven to brown shells. Just use the oven while it is preheating or after you have removed something from the oven and the oven is still hot.

If you feed shells to dogs, they will become egg eaters if they can reach the eggs. Otherwise, the shells are good for dogs.

Somewhere I read to wash out the shells. DON"T! There is protein in the membrane of the shell, protein that your hens will use to produce more eggs. The calcium in the shell is all hens seashells needed for shell-making.

Check this out----> cute cartoons about hens. Tell her I sent you.

Does anyone feed shells to their hens? Is this the exclusive source of calcium? Are you afraid your hens will eat eggs? Let's talk.

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