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Monday, October 14, 2024

Fruitful Monday

 No, I did not call to report sexual harasser. Something happened. I think cleaner arrived. Tuesday, I promise. 

Today we got up early, about 10 am and were out the door in an hour. We first went to get my driver's license. Then, we both ordered title to sell the cars, mine and his. He suggested we eat at CFA, and I am weak. I only had cereal and milk. CFA is so delicious. 

Since we were practically across the street from where we bought the car, we dropped by to show them the lost trim and disaster of scratches on the car. I told them we did not want it buffed out because the scratch was too deep. The obnoxious came out and interrupted my talking with the man who would coordinate with repair people. 

I told him to go away because I did not want to see him or talk to him. He kept on and I raised my voice, yelling at him to go away. He persevered in trying to be Mr. Personality. I screamed at him to go away and get out of my face because I did not like him and what he had to say. 

When he first came up, he told me it was only aftermarket trim and my car was actually okay. I saw red and his smirking face. When I turned toward Tommy, about four salesmen with their mouths open. Tommy did not care.  Another four and the guy in charge of getting the repair done were very quiet outside my side of the car. 

I was sort of embarrassed then realized he was the instigator. I was too hot to have any regret. The guy I yelled at finally lost his smile and said, "You are serious, aren't you?" Stupid man!

We were near Jared's, so Tommy stopped and bought me a necklace for my birthday that was over a month ago.

Cleaner called, so we went home. She was here for two hours--brought out Halloween decorations, made my bed, cleaned up clutter behind and to the side of my chair, helped me clean up my room a bit, and put color on my hair. I use Guarnier 40 but had her put 415 over that. It gives sort of a reddish hue, so it does not look solid black. 

Tommy changed out my blue bird for a black bird. These are all the same bird, just spray-painted a different color. I have a red bird with a cardinal crest, painted red for Christmas. The Halloween stemless wine glass has an orange, battery-operated tealight in it. Halloween decorating will be slow this year. But, it is happening. 

Overall, it was a very good Monday, except for the guy in my face. Don't bother defending him or feeling sorry for him. I won't publish your comment. 

Because of cleaner coming, I did not get a chance to make calls I needed to make...tomorrow. 

There is a drive for books happening. I had bought a book but gave it to cleaner for her niece. 

My photo for driver's license is horrid! How did I get so old and saggy? 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sexual Harassment/Carvana

 While I was at a big box store, I heard an assistant manager address a CS person as "Babe." I asked her to make sure. She said he did and often did.  I will call the company and complain. She said she tried to ignore it. I hope he loses his job! All women suffer when one man is allowed to sexually harass one woman. And, this was a black woman. He is a white man, her superior! 

I wonder how many people have witnessed her humiliation and harassment. How many young girls have seen and heard his actions and will accept it as normal. I have a BS in Social and Behavioral Science, so I can talk the talk in defense of people, minorities especially. 

Yes, I do defend men. 

Tomorrow, I will make the call to corporate. 

Mower came by today to look at the Rogue to buy. I had promised it to cleaner. They are friends. So, more car buyers than $500 cars.

Mower said he was waiting for me to get tag and title so he could buy Impala. I started thinking that a car does not need a tag to sell. So, told him I am not going to buy tag, just get a title. He did not try to persuade me. 

Carvana is so easy to use, so I am shopping for cars there. Has anyone ever bought a car from Carvana? 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Car Broke

 We had not been to Cullman to get the mail for about six weeks. The sound the car made frightened me. Now, the car is fixed, we know it was a wheel bearing. All fixed and car sold. 

The car was a dream. I love the beep so we know someone is close when he is going to make a turn. We are still learning the dashboard. We both have a thermostat for each side of the car. Neat!

We had traveled about 10 miles or less when the loose piece ripped loose and hit the car, flying off into the road after scratching the door. Now, all four pieces must be replaced. 

In Cullman, we went to a dealer, grandson of a friend who wanted us to go see him. Well, we did and he did not have anything for us right now. Then, we called a used car salesman who has sold us two cars, well SUVs. He said the dealer would have to replace all the little door window pieces. It was their problem. He will look for another car for me. He is very nice. And, thanked us for calling him. He is so polite that he was horrified with the way they yelled at me and insulted and ridiculed me all the time. 

We picked up six weeks of mail. I had a small, plain burger while Tommy ate his sandwich from home. Then, I ate my sandwich from home. We went to place to get another fob which will be $150. I need one, too. We have keys to each other's cars. I shopped in Publix and another store where I got deals--bogo Miracle Whip, bogo peanut butter . Dromedary Pimiento was cheaper in Cullman store than at The Pig. I suppose I am out of the canned Hormel roast beef and gravy, so I bought one until I can order from Amazon more cheaply. 

I have $50 on a card for vegetables only at markets, so I wanted to spend that before two weeks when it will end. I bought four tomatoes, pint of shelled peas, mess of fresh green beans, last zucchini a guy had, and tried to buy eggs. Now, I have $35 to spend. 

The woman washes them, refrigerates them, moves them to a cooler and brings them to the market. No way. I prefer them not washed, not refrigerated. She will be selling spoiled eggs. But, now I know I can buy good ones at a Thrift Store in Cullman. 

I felt so calm and relaxed and at home in the town where I lived for more than half my life. However, I was so happy to be going home to this house. 

The place where we are getting another fob came right out to the car as he always has. He knows me as a decades-long customer. 

I took a nap when we arrived home. Dinner was chicken, slaw, potatoes, carrots. There was a whole onion but have not had any of the onion yet. Yes. Tommy said there is still onion. 

Usually, a trip out, especially as far as Cullman causes my feet to swell so the normally loose sandal straps actually cut into my feet. I have been using the pumping legs at night. Last night I was choking again and did not feel I could lie back and not start choking and throwing up, so I skipped the pumping. Amazingly, after skipping the diuretic yesterday, skipping pumping, and sitting in the car for about 6 hours, my feet and legs were barely swollen. So, this is working even without doing it right, not my intentions. If any doctor had listened and taken me seriously, I would probably less swollen now! Oh, and now my weight is back down to lowest this summer. 

Tomorrow--woman in distress.

Fall Temperatures

 Today was a lovely day, blue skies, bright sun, not too hot, and a breeze. In short, idyllic. We did little. I still have not recovered from the physical or mental stress of Wednesday car buying! Tomorrow is a necessary but hard day. 

I do think I should dig out a sweater or two. I also need to move a thin jacket to my chair in living room. It appears we will have cooler weather in the 70s during the afternoons. 

Tommy said the back seat in the Honda is much larger. That will be good because we keep two travel pillows, a couple of throws, a canvas cooler, lots of stuff we won't carry back and forth. Plus, more room makes it easier to get the heavier and larger rollator into the car. 

I may never figure out all the gadgets on the dash. When I go into the grocery store, he sits and stays busy figuring out where everything is on the car. We are rejoicing over the button that opens and closes the back of the Honda. People ask us to open it and we cannot. They tell us it is a button. The guy today even closed it with the button on the door. YAY!

I do wonder how long it will take us to find everything and learn the car. We are not happy we don't have a cd player. It is also not in the car book! 

The grass is still growing, so more mowing will be needed, probably twice more. We have not seen one tree that is turning. 

Are the trees turning red and gold where you live or in your yard?

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Rudeness and Insults at Dealer

 I had not been inside the car since Tommy signed the papers. We drove the Rogue home while the salesman drove/delivered the Honda. Today, about 4 pm, Tommy drove it to stores to get ads. Two miles into our drive, I noticed a glued part was falling off. There is a little ledge type, porch roof sticking out over the window. Well, It was broken and glued back with thick, nasty, orange glue. 

When I called back, less than 24 hours after it was purchased, the guy with whom I talked, said they would fix it. Our salesman was off today.

Yesterday, I was badgered and ridicule, yes, ridiculed, beyond belief.  They were both nasty to me, especially, the second guy. I said I hated a moonroof, and they said, "just shut it." They responded to each of my reasons with ridicule. I mean, I can dislike something, no business of theirs since the moonroof was not going away. 

Tommy has plenty to say about that later, but not to them. That does not matter as long as he got the car. Once inside and the sun was blazing on us and my skin was hurting from the sun, their solution was to have us walk over 100 feet inside the building to the last desk in the building. Today, Tommy was hurting and complained mightily about it. 

Since when is ridicule of customers part of the sales pitch? Also, they lied. The second guy told me all Honda CVRs came with moonroof. No, they don't. I called another dealer who said they could bring one in, but we would have to buy it. Well, shoot, I can find one now that I know the person lied and all do not have a moonroof. This piece of trim may be a stopper, though. 

When is all settled, I will complain to higher up. 

If I had known this would get worse when I first encountered this abuse, I would have left. Anyone who feels sorry for the poor salesmen is really off, in my opinion. By the way, I did not say one unkind word as he ridiculed me and harassed me about my own person dislikes about the automobile. I just turned my head away so I would not have to see two aggressive men yelling at me. Yet, he bitterly said the price I suggested was aggressive. I asked him if he meant I was aggressive. He said 'yes.'  I shrugged my shoulders and said, "oh well." 

Two more people want the Impala. But, it is still $6,000 dollars. Three others want the Rogue. 

Thursday, we had places to go, things we must do, but I told Tommy before we went to bed last night, that I could not go. Today, he was complaining how walking so far across the dealers' building to get to last office made him hurt. 

Going to pick up three grocery ads was all we did. I did get my hair washed. We baked four bscb and eight thigh, potatoes, carrots. That was dinner, and we will have that ready for when we get home tomorrow. Yes, delayed the salmon croquettes.

We are sooo exciting! Right? 

Oh, meant to say or maybe I did--decluttering uncovered my $50 gift card I misplaces. 

Tonight, I hope to see the Aurora Borealis. I hear it is visible far south. Have you ever seen the Aurora Borealis? From where?

Have you had salesman insult you or yell at you like these guys did? What did you do? 

Do you trade in cars, pass them on, or sell them to private person?

Not editing this either.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

New-to-Us Car


Honda and Tommy's Rogue in the driveway

                                       back of Rogue, Impala in carport, Honda

We left and arrived at the car dealer about 1:15. We had a salesman try to follow us on foot. Tommy kept driving. The guy sort of stopped following and looked disappointed. I told Tommy to stop because a guy was coming. When we started backing up the guy looked happier. He told us to park and he would come back.

Well, he brought back a clipboard and started getting ready to record the answers to his questions. Nope, not playing that game. I told him so, and also forcefully told him we did not know what we wanted. I reminded him Honda had a million recalls as of last night. He had not heard that and told me I could read anything on the internet. Not playing that game either. He asked which ones. I told him I had a notebook full of cars, lots of makes, some bad, some good.

Finally, since he came to Tommy's door, I just turned away and pouted. Finally, he ran inside and got someone else to talk us into giving info about stuff, like how many miles a car could have, color, what exactly was important to us in a car. I still rebelled and Tommy did not try to persuade me or give them info except his first name. I told them no one had come out with a clipboard trying to pin us down, since everything could change and something I did not say was important could end of being important. 

They gave up the clipboard. Oh, and they came to my side of the car. I kept turning away. He was so annoying. At one point my phone rang with another car salesman. After another run-in, I smiled and told him that call was from a salesman wanting me to come back in, that we had been to several car dealerships. 

Time wore on and we were worn out. We finally got home about 5:15, exhausted. The salesman delivered the car and picked up our payment. 

We had to go inside to conclude the sale. That took two hours inside. AND, the chairs were not comfortable at all 

The price we had to see in writing before we came in was something I forgot. We were only willing to pay taxes, not all the doc fee stuff. So, I rared up and said no, that they lied by saying we would not pay that. They said everyone who buys a car must pay that. "Well, the dealer yesterday took all that off, and we were only paying tax.

So, they brought in a third man. We said they lied and we were leaving. They asked me what I was willing to pay. I had worn them down. Finally, they lowered the car price enough that I would pay the other things like doc fee. 

We had to walk so far to get at a desk out of the blazing 4 pm sun. 

Tommy was never agreeable to anything. He followed my lead and never said we could do whatever I said no about. 

It worked out. When we refused to come inside until we had the price we wanted and signed. The guy sitting behind me in the car said, "That is very aggressive." He did not appreciate my dickering, more like silent stubbornness. 

I did become friendly and loquacious. I think they were relieved.  

Finally, someone asked how we were going to finance the car. I was waiting for Tommy and finally sort of low, said 'your credit union?' He said, "No, I thought I would just write a check." I was shocked. I never knew he kept that kind of money in his savings account. So, that saves paying interest.

They did not have a white car, so he bought a silver Honda CRV. It has a moon roof that almost made me not want the car. But, once it was cheap enough, I relented. I told Tommy not to let them know he was okay with the moonroof. 94K mileage, 2018, one owner, cash price $19963, total amt due $21,766.

My ex was so angry when I would not agree to prices at furniture store or anywhere. He said, "At least your stubbornness pays off sometimes." 

Tommy is always happy when I am stubborn. This car has a moonroof, but it is his car.  Mine won't have a moonroof. I bought the Impala and did not realize it had a moonroof. I was shocked. 

We both carried a sandwich today and ate them on the way home. He saw I had made a sandwich, so he made one for himself. 

It should not take four hours to buy a car! This is the car the Tupperware dealer let me sit in the passenger seat.

This was not edited.   

MIA Cleaner

Today was a gorgeous day. There was not one cloud in the sky and the sun was sooo bright. It was quite hot even though the temperatures were in mid 80s. 

Tommy has totally been ignoring me or just not responding to my asking for help with these legs to treat the lymphedema. Finally, I asked him to move the box back into the living room from my bedroom. It is quite a large box. He put it where it was impossible to completely open the front door. Finally, I asked him to move it in front of his bookcase right in his way to get to his chair. 

He is telling me that I never ask. Yes, at least once a day. He says I never remind him. Yes, once a day. Then, he said I was nagging him. Which is it?

Finally, tonight at 11 pm, he asked if I wanted him to do it, put on the legs for me. So, against my best judgment, we did. 

I cannot for the life of me pull these heavy plastic type legs on me. He hurt my toes! But, between the two of use, we got it all situated. Then, he asked if I wanted him to stay. I did but hated to be a baby about being alone. So, we talked, and time passed. Plus, this procedure was painful. 

Has anyone ever used these compression garments? 

I had to have my body raised this hour. So, the bed that lifts head came in handy. 

When I had extricated myself from these stiff, bulky, heavy legs off myself, I was surprised that my legs and feet felt 'looser.' I could walk better. Tommy said as he followed me into the living room that my legs and feet looked skinnier. YES, they did!

This is supposed to happen twice a day, with at least four hours in between. At least, something is happening with this. I will utilize all the forms of therapy and try to completely reverse this problem. There is no cure. 

I had a puppy print fleece blanket that I used in bed up near my face as a place I could rest my arms and hands. I knew Tommy like it and decided to share it with him. It is so cute, and he thought so, too. So, I let him have it. He was covered with the puppy throw, a blanket, and sheet the next morning. Then, tonight, I spotted another puppy throw in my room. So, now I have it back. He looked cute with puppies all over him. He said it was larger, warmer, and felt better. He had a thinner, and obviously smaller throw that he was using. 

Cleaner has not been here since Sept. 17th. I am annoyed, but she works full-time, and has a second, part-time job. She cannot come this week either. There are things I need her to do. I don't want to replace her, but I may need to get someone else along with her on different days. 

I made a pimiento and cheese sandwich to take with us tomorrow. I suppose we will go out car shopping. We both become inordinately excited when we think about having a button to open the back door. 

Nothing exciting happened today, so this is it.